

I suppose I could go with "It's almost 2 am and I am tired" as today's title but "Untitled" is short and sweet. I am taking my drug test tomorrow, come rain, come snow, come hellfire, come smoldering Rosie O'Donnell clones falling from the sky.
My roommate, Walt, roped my other roommate's girlfriend (she is his girlfriend right? I can call her that, I think.) into assisting with his law school essay. I ended up helping even though I intended to work out and watch X-Files. All three of us crowded into her one bedroom apartment and kept her awake later than is her normal habit. She was a remarkably good sport about the whole thing and Walt made remarkable progress on the essay.
Shoot! pills...


Mav Maniac

I went to the Mavericks game last night. I went all out. Painted my face in blue and white, wrote the the big three's number on my hands (Michael Finley #4, Steve Nash #13, and Dirk Nowitzki #44) and even wrote "Go" on one arm and "Mavs" on the other. The Mavericks lost.


Sudden Insights

I am starting something on my blog that I'll call "Sudden Insights". Anytime I have a (you guessed it) a sudden insight, or more descriptively an epiphany; I'll post it on the blog and title it "Sudden Insights". Tonight's epiphany is that everything is data. There is nothing real that cannot be represented as information or computation. The world is the sum of a countless computations. In fact, people are data - each individual is only the sum of his thoughts. If you don't think you are little better than dead. Your body and intelligence is only a cage for the essential you - your data.


Why Don't You Get A Job?

I did. Time to celebrate.

You can't go Home Again

Except when you can. I went home today and spoke to my father in person for the first time in almost three months. It was actually good. I got the expected lecture, but I think the change did everyone good.


Dateless in Dallas

It's saturday night and once again I have no date. There is something wrong with this picture. Two of my roommates are out with their women and I am going to be hanging out with my other roomie, his sister, and his mother. And I dare not even look at the sister crosswise. Would be most unwise. I'd tell you there are easier ways to die then to date that girl since all three of my roommates would kill me - as I would them if they tried to date my sister.
We committed four acts of reckless daring late last night. We bungee jumped from a crane, swung in about a 300 foot arc from a gigantic swingset strapped togehter like three logs, rode in a contraption that looked like a very large slingshot with two seats strapped to it, and then fell from a tower with nothing between us and death but a net and four inflatable safety pads. Good fun, I swear. We failed to get any pictures of me doing anything silly and dangerous but we have one of another roomie that might suffice.