
What was she thinking

Jennifer Connelly, movie star, recently said something interesting. I thought it was a publicist's job to keep stars from saying things like this:
I do like to read a book while having sex. And talk on the phone. You can get so much done. If the room’s dark enough, I like to do some online shopping

I saw the story at Huffington Post, a website so unerring and boringly elitist and liberal that I feel guilty for even linking to them.
The quote came from here. Maybe it's a hoax or maybe her husband, actor Paul Bettany, is even more embarassed than she is.


Email Forwards

Stuff that people would email to everyone in their address books, I just post on my blog. These videos made me laugh so hard, I snorted embarrassing little snot bubbles up. Ok, maybe I didn't laugh that hard but the videos are hilarious.
Gem Sweater is the first video, an inspired bit of hilarity about tacky clothing set to a beat.
Beat Dazzler is more of the same.

Photos of the Road Trip

I don't aspire to photojournalistic greatness since my photography technique is "fire and forget". Many of these photographs were taken from the Jetta at 70+ mph with the camera held in one hand and haphazardly aimed at items of interest. I like the pictures though and thought you might too. Check them out here.


Texas Rest Stops Are Cool

Rest stops in Texas have Wi Fi. How cool is that? The last picture in the mobolog is actually the rest stop I am posting from now.
I just drove 400+ miles I think I should go crash. (I meant sleep; not actually crashing my car!)


Double Secret Blog

There is a poster at Huffintgon Post who has a secret blog. He says everything I think about Huffington Post (admittedly I don't read it much). The delicious part about the whole thing is that he works for Huffington Post! I am sorry, I just love it when employees dish about their bosses.


Lend a Hand?

Liberal interest groups complain volubly about the war in Iraq but conveniently ignore the things they could do to help the people of Iraq. Why aren't more feminists talking about women's rights in Iraq? Why isn't the ACLU helping support an independent Iraqi judiciary? Why don't we hear more about humanitarian groups sending their support?
I know it is dangerous - I was there. But you don't have to be there to help. Many American troops would be glad to do certain tasks and there are surprisingly many relatively safe areas that humanitarian groups could work from. Put your money wear your mouth is.
Christopher Hitchens had this idea first and argues more effectively than I have in an article at Slate.com.