
A Beautiful Saturday Morning

What do I have planned? I dunno. But somehow I think that is ok today.


What's a Rack Daddy?

A country that America may start bombing soon.
There are those who say we should take care of Bin Laden first. These people are absolutely right. There are those who say we should address North Korea first. These people will get no argument from me on that point. The problem is we can't. The government knows about as much about Osama Bin Laden's whereabouts as I know about the new Levi Jeans that I haven't been able to find since I moved. (If you find a pair of low rise 34x34 Levis I will give you 5 bucks to bring them back, seriously...) North Korea either has nukes or is close enough that, civillians in Seoul, South Korea would glow green at night should we even threaten retailation. A fight in North Korea would be a civillian blood bath of the worst kind that the United States is desperately trying to avoid, especially since the kiddies would be upset when the electronic goodies for their Playstations and Walkmans burn to a crisp in the mortar fire.
We can stop Iraq from reaching North Korea's postion of power. I am surprised that no one else has noticed that North Korea has by the family jewels. The media should be having a field day with this.



This whole extended bed rest thing is for the birds. I think I am the victim of a nasty sinus infection. My head and not just my nasal passages are full of ugly, yellow mucus. YUM!!


I am Ill

I would like to think that I am "ILL" in the same sense of the word used by Kid Rock, The Beastie Boys, and their ilk; but I know I am "ill" in the other sense of the word. I have been that way since Thursday night I think. It's funny - not exactly sure when.
I need help chosing what to watch next from my roommates' DVD collection. I have actually watched most of the movies that I care to see already. I am stumped.
I think that since I am home now I should take advantage and get back to work on my movie scripts. I even have new ideas for one I started a while ago and never finished. (Not like I have finished any of them....)