
Freaky time Travel Stuff

Read this and try to keep your brain from twisting in knots at the possibilities.

Rolling Stone Does Paris

I've met girls like Paris Hilton, only these girls had already undergone psychological treatment for their ailments. Rolling Stone reveals in an exclusive article that Paris Hilton is a rich airhead. Wow! Who'd a thunk it?

I'm a Combat Medic

I just found this story of how a Army medic was able to save casualities from bleeding to death with nothing but cardboard and an old hair dryer.


The Ghastly Citizens of Tinseltown

The best thing about Awful Plastic Surgery.com is that the average person can see how ugly celebrities are without the benefit of makeup, lighting, and flattering camera angles. In the relentless pursuit of youth, these people transform themselves into unnatural, alien creatures. Thank God for good genes. :)


28 Shopping Days Left Before Christmas

Retailer's have obliterated Thanksgiving from the calendar with early Christmas displays. Now everytime I go to the mall I feel off-kilter wondering which holiday comes next.
Have you heard there's a nasty flu bug going around? I heard directly from the source - i.e. I was flat on my back with chills, body aches, fever, headaches, productive cough, runny nose, etc the first day I got home from leave. Whatever it is will do a number on you and flu shots are not helping due to a phenomenon known as drift - the shot doesn't work and the virus kicks your ass like a cheap soccer ball. (According to an article by MSNBC, drift is a slight change in the virus over time. Virii mutate quite a bit.) The flu this year has been serious enough to kill four children in Colorado. Texas has also had a serious outbreak too. That figures. :(
If you haven't already and you use AIM or ICQ you should check out SmarterChild. It can be entertaining if you don't have anybody else to talk to.
By the way, Happy Thanskgiving.


Music library management issues

Yeah, I have got a problem. I've got a significant number of legal mp3's (in case the RIAA is reading) that I transferred to my laptop from an older computer. The problem is that I have a large number of duplicates and missing files. Nothing I can do about the missing files but the duplicates now are a tricky issue. I could just live with it, but I have a significant amount of hard drive space tied up in unnecessary MP3's and no easy method for tracking down which songs I can be rid of. If anybody knows of any handy file utilities I can use or Windows commands I can use I'd be much obliged.

Holy Matrimony

As I sit waiting for the air to warm to comfortable runnning weather (That's my excuse anyhow), I read this article about gay marriage in Slate.com. I personally don't think that letting gay people get married will make much of a difference. Marriage to me isn't a religious issue since marriage itself is a civil procedure. A justice of the peace can marry a couple. Whether or not two men can marry or two women can marry isn't a moral issue. Whether they can have sex now...


Just Another Soldier

A must read for anybody in the armed forces, especially if they are in the National Guard. It's a blog by a National Guard soldier deployed to Iraq.