28 Shopping Days Left Before Christmas
Retailer's have obliterated Thanksgiving from the calendar with early Christmas displays. Now everytime I go to the mall I feel off-kilter wondering which holiday comes next.
Have you heard there's a nasty flu bug going around? I heard directly from the source - i.e. I was flat on my back with chills, body aches, fever, headaches, productive cough, runny nose, etc the first day I got home from leave. Whatever it is will do a number on you and flu shots are not helping due to a phenomenon known as drift - the shot doesn't work and the virus kicks your ass like a cheap soccer ball. (According to an
article by MSNBC, drift is a slight change in the virus over time. Virii mutate quite a bit.) The flu this year has been serious enough to
kill four children in Colorado. Texas has also had a serious outbreak too. That figures. :(
If you haven't already and you use AIM or ICQ you should check out
SmarterChild. It can be entertaining if you don't have anybody else to talk to.
By the way, Happy Thanskgiving.