
4 Days...

Wow, anybody wanna hang out? With 4 days to go before I jone the World's Greatest Army I find myself desperate for interaction with anyone I was even vaguely acquainted with. I am not nervous (yet) but I am a little desperate to party. I am trying to pack in everything I didn't do since high school into the last few days.


Six Days...

I find life to be very strange and new right now. I am really enjoying myself but I feel as if I am only dreaming and I'll soon wake up with a very sudden and violent start. The only thing that I might change is that I'd try to get more sleep, and I'd meet more eligible young women.


Seven Days and Counting!

Don't you love how I up and disappear every so often? I should have had something interesting to say in the past six days but I was also feeling lazy. Go figure. Over the weekend I did manage to score a 258 on my PT test. I rocked the house with a 12 min and 23 sec time in the 2 mile run. I can't help being proud of myself, especially since I hate running. In the meantime, I am busy squandering what little money I earned in the month of March and obsessing over "pimp juice".