
Still Sleepy

I should become a rap star and release an album. I'd call it "ILL". Then I'd release the requisite sequel, "STILL ILL".
This is all to say that today's title should have been "I need more sleep". I am exhausted, and I don't even have a woman calling me every night at midnight like my roommate does.
I had a job interview today. It went well. That isn't enough anymore. I've decided it isn't enough anymore unless you leave and the hiring managers are screaming your name from the window; the receptionist must grab you by the knees and swear her life means nothing unless she can have your children; the CEO must offer you a corner office, a company car, and a chance to marry into his family. Laugh but that is the job market in Dallas. Only exceptional candidates need apply.


Good Writing and New Media

I am now officially an X-Files fanatic.
Watching television and movies lately has convinced me that novels aren't dead or dying or even in danger and that reading isn't really going away. A text is still a text when it is acted out or read aloud and illustrated. The best texts are now written for movies and televison.Good books are still being written, but often books are most useful as source works for TV, Film, and even games. Watching a textually driven visual work or even playing it is a form of reading. More expensive, but still reading. The same information can be transferred sometimes in more detail as a film, or television show. I don't have time to finish this thought to my satisfaction. But I'd like to say Jonathan Franzen would do well to recognize the shift and adapt. What is important is the content, the storytelling. There is no need to shorten or dumb down a story to make it suitable for visual media, just an expansion of the vocabulary.


I need sleep.

I really get around for somebody with no job, car, or money. I was in Iriving all day today and I went downtown for the Mavericks game with Walt.
I would work more at injecting more narrative style and witty prose into the blog but I am not sleeping enough. I sleep in the living room of the apartment (temporary condition I hope) and I go to bed after one everyone else does and wake up when they do due to the noise. I am a zombie. I need to figure out a time to work out tomorrow.


What was I so sad about?

I am having a little too much fun right now. I am using a friend's computer at the moment so this webspace is going to be a little slow. Especially since I can't see what I am typing.