
Also the web is ****ed.
I hate what my life has become, a mere shadow of barren existence. My family operates seamlessly around me as if I wasn't even there. In fact, if not for the fact that I eat and defecate, my existence has no impact on anyone at all. If I were to stop being, it really wouldn't matter. Of course my family would go through the necessary motions of grief, but because that is what families of the deceased and or missing do. They love me, but people love their dogs.
I have friends but I don't see them, and everybody knows that people you don't see don't exist right? The telephone doesn't ring, the answering machine holds no messages (mostly because the stupid thing was off!), and the email inbox remains empty. I know I am young, but really, if I wasn't here who would care?
I need to get a life. I need to work out. I need to make new friends. (how I don't know as I don't have any viable social meeting place) I need to get out of the house.
Now that I've said that, I have an idea for a book. I'd call it Dystopia and it would be a book in the form of a blog about the future and all the bad things that are going to happen there. I'd need to research futurists predictions of what the future will look like, emerging trends, and likely geopolitical scenarios. A great place to start would be futurescan. Before writing the book I'd have to create a virtual universe for the protagonist to live in. I'd generate a profile for the blogger including things like height, weight, eye color, ethnicity, pets, favorite color, political ideology, favorite sport, nationality, etc. I would have to write a short history of his life up to the point of the first entry in the blog. I'd have to document the geopolitical landscape of his world. I would have to compile a list of predictions about his world and how it was different. Obviously, the predictions would be mostly bad things since his world is a dystopia - the opposite of utopia. More accurately, his world will be dystopian. Bad things will have happened but with more nuance than the world of Neo in the Matrix.
At the very least, writing Dystopia would be something to do. I wouldn't have time to kvetch about how horrible my life is.

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