
I love this man's wit and prose. I also like the fact that he's a Brit who recognizes that British disdain for Yank culture is misguided.
I taught Home Economics again today. THe kids were a little rambunctious today - they smeared themselves and me with hand lotion, threw butter packets, and one kid smacked me in the forehead with a piece of paper he shot from a rubber band. I broke down toward the end of the day. I got tired of yelling at the kids and making them do homework so I let my seventh period class watch Osmosis Jones, a kid-friendly gross-out movie starring Bill Murray's immune system.
I am a little surprised. I got turned down for a job today. I was pretty certain I would get the job and was already making plans. I'd been to two testing sessions and one interview and everything had gone so well that I just took it for granted that I would get the job. Oh well...

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