
I saw the Terminator 3 Trailer, and I am disappointed. Once again, John Conner (Connor? How do you spell that?) is confronted by a killer cyborg from the future sent back to kill him in the present. Again, he is protected by "AHHHNULD" the original Terminator. The very least I would expect is that Vin Diesel would be the new Terminator; but no, they have some anonymous chick playing the new Terminator. Where is Diesel!! Worst of all is the tired plot that the screenwriters have forced upon the public. Please can we come up with a new storyline other than cyborgs from the future come to kill us in the present? This brings me back to one of my most persistent laments - someone paid these people millions of dollars to make a movie that is a wretched pile of stinking, bovine excrement.

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