Legalized Narcotics
You thought I was finished? When I write a political rant you can be sure I always have more to say. I just watched the movie "Traffic" on DVD and you know what pisses me off? It's all very well and good to criticize a government initiative as futile - i.e. the "War on Drugs" and the "War on Terrorism". Yet the critics answers as to what we should do instead border on ludicrous. The critics of the "War on Terror" suggest that we essentially just lay down and die. The critics of the "War on Drugs" suggest that we legalize narcotics.
Suppose for a minute that we did smoke crack and we were seriously considering legalizing popular controlled substances. Is there any realistic way the United States could effectively regulate production and sales? What are the unintended consequences? Alcohol and cigarettes are already legalized controlled substances sold in the United States and honestly the negative impact of both is significant. Are we prepared to treat the addicts if we allow cheap, easily available, and worst of all legal narcotics on the street? Who in good conscience sell these products? What are you thinking?
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