
Winning the War on Terror

Do you want to know a secret? America is winning the war on terror. What we are doing is working. Given time, Al Qaida will be driven from Iraq and most likely Bin Laden will be caught. People hear the negativity in the news and they read about soldiers dying in Iraq but they don't hear the stories about how we are slowly but surely driving the terrorists out. No one pays attention when commanders lament that we are killing the insurgents too easily, marveling at what madness drives young men to challenge tanks with rifles or handguns. Nobody pays attention to intercepted communications from terrorists fretting about how the US Army is depriving terrorists of "space of movement". I make no claims that everyone involved has done all the right things for the right motives. Defeating terrorism has been a clumsy process, but I implore anyone who will listen to just give us time. We will win. The cost of failure is much to high for us give up and go home now.
As a soldier, my distaste for going to Iraq and being separated from home is almost as strong as my desire to do the right thing. The right thing is difficult and dangerous thing to do, but the right thing to do is the only thing we can do. Driving the forces of evil out of Iraq won't prevent all possible terrorist acts, but it will show the enemy that the free world fights terror where ever terror can be found. The enemy will learn that we are an implacable foe. They will know that we will win.

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