
Simple Pleasures

Idahosa is a happy soldier today because he just took a shower and is going to take another in a few short minutes. The warm spray of a strong shower head over filthy skin is a dramatically sensual experience when one has been taking cold showers for 3 months. Add hot chow and life just does not get better.
Have I said anything about how the Army gets too little good press and the Marines get way too much? I'd say more but...
Somebody just destroyed my month old Xbox while I was out dodging bullets. I hate people sometimes. If I could find that person, I would personally ensure that they suffered a horrible, agonizing death involving clever misuse of medical equipment and the blunt end of a 9mm Beretta. I am a medic after all.
By the way, here's a note to all the girls out there just dying to hook up with a soldier: if you get within ten feet of an infantryman in any branch of the service you will get pregnant instantly. I promise.

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