
I am having trouble with students flirting with me. A girl today wanted to know "Is it true that you have six pack abs?" I immediately responded "Who told you that?" Then I realized there was no way she could have known, she was just flirting.
I went to sex education today for the first time! Kind of an eye opener for a 23 year old virgin. I realized that I was unable to name the parts of the sex organs. I still can't name the parts of the sex organs; but I think I might do a better job of locating the labia majora and labia minora. One girl in class volunteered that she found male virgins very attractive - definitely not the time to mention that I belived in abstinence so much that I was still a virgin. There was no talk of birth control or protection but a complete concentration on the dangers of even protected sex and the immorality of sexual intercourse outside marriage. It was odd to hear a teacher in a public school saying that pornography, television, movies, and music all might lead to sex before marriage. I suppose I am an oddity, having indulged heavily in entertainment and still maintained my physical purity.
My biggest beef with the sexual education is that by preaching abstinence the public school system is forced to rely on moral instead of practical or scientific arguments. Public schools really are not in the business of teaching morals because religion is not allowed. Without some concept of religion or God, morality has no meaning to me.There is no God or religion in public schools. Most people teaching abstinence are going to need to rely on religion to justify abstinence, which isn't allowed. What's more, the teacher also spoke against homosexuality. Homosexuality is a moral issue and again public schools have no business teaching morals. Perhaps sex education should be left to parents so that children are not taught contrary to their parents' morality. If sex education is taught, birth control and protection (condoms, spermicides, etc) should be mentioned and perhaps even provided. Abstinence should be emphasized by all means, but even long ago before our parents were children, teenagers did have sex and would have benefited from using protection.

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