
Talking and not saying anything

I am going to continue this blog's habit of studiously avoiding saying anything substantive about what it is that happens here in Iraq, but oblique hints at upcoming events will start appearing at alarming frequency.
For instance, there is the subject of my upcoming return to "The land of the Free and the Home of the Brave", as opposed to the "Land of the Scared and the Home of the Enslaved" where I am currently residing. The 1-503D INF REGT is coming home to state the issue baldly. I just can't say when exactly, but I will point out that we arrived last year in August and the majority of combat tours in the Army last approximately a year. When you also consider the fact that (unsubstantiated by any official statistics) that the 1-503D has suffered the most casualties of any similar sized element in the military, you might think that my colleagues and I deserve a little break.
The problem of course is that nothing I say is official, and the Army reserves the right to do anything they feel is necessary. For example, tomorrow the Department of the Army might find it necessary to send this blogger for a one year tour in Antartica, where medics are desperately needed. It is entirely within the realm of possibility.
If compromised, I will deny all knowledge of this communication and this blog will self-destruct.

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